Fiberglass Straight Ladder

In the quiet corner of the workshop’s light,
Stands a ladder, tall and bright,
Crafted from fiberglass, strong yet light,
Reaching for the heavens, a wondrous sight.

Each rung a promise, sturdy and sure,
Built to withstand, resilient and pure.
It stretches high, against the sky,
Inviting the daring to reach and fly.

Painted in colors that catch the eye,
Withstanding the storms as the seasons pass by.
It whispers of safety, with every ascent,
A guardian of dreams, where the heart is content.

No rust can claim it, no splinter to fear,
A companion in labor, always near.
With a sturdy base, it anchors the soul,
Helping us rise, making us whole.

From attic to rooftop, it climbs with grace,
Embracing the challenge, it finds its place.
A bridge to the heavens, a path to explore,
Opening doors to what lies in store.

So here's to the ladder, unwavering and bold,
A symbol of courage, a story retold.
With each careful step, we elevate our view,
On a fiberglass ladder, we build and renew.


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